Indianised Again

Douse the fire,
Engulf the flame,
Immerse yourself...
Here lies your soul... India

On the weary thread of emotions, lies India's future and fortune. We're credited with its make or break and an enormous task of keeping this thread alive lies with us. To a great degree we're a success but sometimes our acoustic gait doesn't match our suave nature. I'm proud, you are proud, we're proud of our startling economy sans agriculture, our education system sans research, our artistic freedom sans some misled fundamentalism, our democracy sans our netas and of course our vibrant ramified culture sans nought.

We've many more things to boast of but some miniscule things yet big, as it seems now, overshadow our accomplishments even after 6o years of democratic rule. Every country has his share of failures along with successes and we're no exception to it. We've the resources and potential to back it but we still lag behind. Who is to blame? Should it be our netas or we ourselves, who've chosen these netas to represent us?

No, none is to blame. It's me, me only.

Oh my God, no... not 'my God' but oh God. Oh God Please commiserate me. I'm plunging this whole country into a deep dark sepulchre. I am crushing the heritage of my ancestors, of my nonpareil countrymen of past who irrigated this land with their blood n sweat, simply I'm destroying me, myself.

Oh Lord, this darkness is advancing, soon it'll engulf me, my countrymen and my country. I'm feeling helpless now, I fear it will incapacitate me. What will I do then? Oh almighty, I pray, now, please save me, save me from my inaction, my idleness, my passivity, save me from my inability to cope with it, save me from my thinking that I'm unable to cope with it,

Oh Lord, save me. I'm in the state of comatose. I'm supine. I'm sedentary, no I'm not sedentary it's my wrongful intuition only. Oh lord, I see a bright star among all stars, it looks gloomy, I pray it is only a seasonal phenomena.

When I came close, I see a meteorite there, being chased by bright, bristling yet harmless moons. They have the heat and radiations to ashen the meteorite yet they are deliquescent. If they are radiating anything it is non violence only, which fritters the meteorite into rubble, once great meteorite.

Among those stars, some have dormant volcanoes which don’t erupt generally but it shows signs of eruptions sometimes. Not good for inhabitants there but it is still advantageous other way as it prepares the inhabitant to remain alert. Then I see in my dream that sky clears of all its gloominess suddenly.